Shalom Aged Care
Toowoomba, Australia
AU$ 10.5m
Completed 2010
Project Description:
Project Team: Lester Ehrlich, Deneth Peiris, Gemma Watson, James Ting, Helen Wang, Jau Woi Sia, Amanda Brown.
The new Shalom Aged Care Facility replaced the old Rangehaven Nursing Home, which was converted from a motel into a convalescent home in 1970. It no longer served the needs of its residents, hence the design and construction of this new centre.
Shalom is a high-end, low care aged facility, better able to provide its residents with a wider range of lifestyle options than the old nursing home. It features 100 beds with 40 low care and 60 high care rooms, as well as a dementia unit.
The development steers away from a clinical atmosphere in favour of more homely environment. Support functions include a hairdresser, coffee shop and computer library. The chapel is wired to allow residents to enjoy services from the comfort of their own rooms.
ELIA Architecture
Toowoomba | Brisbane | Kuala Lumpur

Elia Brisbane
9/661 Oxley Road, PO Box 380, Corinda QLD 4075, Australia
+61 7 3379 7611
Elia Toowoomba
4/109 Herries Street, PO Box 547, Toowoomba QLD 4350, Australia
+61 7 4632 0200
Layton Group Malaysia
A-1-6 First Floor, Glomac Damansara, 699 Jalan Damansara, 60000 Kuala Lumpur
+60 3 7955 1678
Elia Brisbane
9/661 Oxley Road, PO Box 380, Corinda QLD 4075, Australia
+61 7 3379 7611
Elia Toowoomba
4/109 Herries Street, PO Box 547, Toowoomba QLD 4350, Australia
+61 7 4632 0200
Layton Group Malaysia
A-1-6 First Floor, Golmac Damansara, 699 Jalan Damansara, 60000 Kuala Lumpur
+60 3 7955 1676