Interior Design
Renal Self Care Unit
Toowoomba, Australia
Client: Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service
Completed 2019
Project Description:
This new building on the Toowoomba Hospital campus, serves as a training and self-care facility for renal patients, and is located on the periphery of the site, between residential properties.
As the programme was ambitious for the triangular site, and staff access through the site was to be retained, the building was enclosed between fire walls, reducing the number of external windows. As patients could be confined to the treatment chairs for many hours at a time, contact with nature and the outside was obtained by the creation of two small internal courtyards, visible from throughout the building. Colours were carefully selected to create a relaxed atmosphere, more reminiscent of a private clinic than a public hospital facility.
ELIA Architecture
Toowoomba | Brisbane | Kuala Lumpur

Elia Brisbane
9/661 Oxley Road, PO Box 380, Corinda QLD 4075, Australia
+61 7 3379 7611
Elia Toowoomba
4/109 Herries Street, PO Box 547, Toowoomba QLD 4350, Australia
+61 7 4632 0200
Layton Group Malaysia
A-1-6 First Floor, Glomac Damansara, 699 Jalan Damansara, 60000 Kuala Lumpur
+60 3 7955 1678
Elia Brisbane
9/661 Oxley Road, PO Box 380, Corinda QLD 4075, Australia
+61 7 3379 7611
Elia Toowoomba
4/109 Herries Street, PO Box 547, Toowoomba QLD 4350, Australia
+61 7 4632 0200
Layton Group Malaysia
A-1-6 First Floor, Golmac Damansara, 699 Jalan Damansara, 60000 Kuala Lumpur
+60 3 7955 1676