Heritage Bank, Robina
Client: Heritage Bank
Project Description:
Reimagined Office Space Design
A recent re-think of their corporate branding has resulted in them deciding to re-define their banking model.
Part of this exercise has included the Heritage Bank reviewing tenancy space allocations, staffing requirements and customer interaction. Tenancies have evolved into more open plan solutions, where staff members have become a lot more visible as part of front of house activities. This is contrary to earlier tenancy layouts where most of the banking support activity took place behind the scenes. Heritage now puts greater emphasis on front of house activities in all of their new tenancies.
Celebrating Uniqueness
Along with the review of the physical requirements of tenancies, ELIA Architecture is working with Heritage Bank in formulating an exclusive typology which will reflect their longstanding position in the Australian psyche. This is in an effort to establish what makes them unique and then to celebrate this uniqueness in each tenancy fit-out.
To date, this expression has centred around “The Home”. The new commercial fit-outs have morphed out of “The Home” idiom and in physical planning, this is reflected in the way teller desks are now located in the front of house (representing a large kitchen table around which interaction takes place) and the incorporation of ‘study’ and ‘den’ language in ancillary support spaces. Materials such as timber and tongue and groove on the walls, further supports this morphing out from residential roots.
ELIA Architecture
Toowoomba | Brisbane | Kuala Lumpur

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9/661 Oxley Road, PO Box 380, Corinda QLD 4075, Australia
+61 7 3379 7611
Elia Toowoomba
4/109 Herries Street, PO Box 547, Toowoomba QLD 4350, Australia
+61 7 4632 0200
Layton Group Malaysia
A-1-6 First Floor, Glomac Damansara, 699 Jalan Damansara, 60000 Kuala Lumpur
+60 3 7955 1678
Elia Brisbane
9/661 Oxley Road, PO Box 380, Corinda QLD 4075, Australia
+61 7 3379 7611
Elia Toowoomba
4/109 Herries Street, PO Box 547, Toowoomba QLD 4350, Australia
+61 7 4632 0200
Layton Group Malaysia
A-1-6 First Floor, Golmac Damansara, 699 Jalan Damansara, 60000 Kuala Lumpur
+60 3 7955 1676