
Ergon Depot, Toowoomba


Toowoomba, Australia

Client: Ergon Energy Corporation Ltd. / Energy Queensland Ltd.

Completed 2018

Project Description:

This project was delivered in two stages.

Stage 1 established a new lunchroom and amenities block for the office complex whilst providing services enabling subsequent staged upgrading to occur to surrounding facilities.

By closing off the open end of a “U” shaped group of buildings, a landscaped courtyard was created linking existing offices. An opportunity has been taken to create a circulation core at the southern connection point, which allows disabled access both internally and externally to another building via a new lift.

The courtyard created by the new insertion forms an extension of the dining area and together with the lunchroom, serving approximately 400 staff, forms a relaxed area that encourages informal meetings and work areas.

The new amenities building has been well received by staff and is also a favoured meeting area for visitors to the depot complex.

In Stage 2, the existing buildings on the site were upgraded and rationalised, with several surplus buildings being demolished, and demountable accommodation removed from site.  Existing office buildings were updated and refurbished, and the existing workshop space was converted into a new training facility.  Office areas were rationalised, and informal and formal meeting and video-conferencing rooms were created.  This has allowed the majority of office staff to be relocated to the office hub on the site.

Major reconfiguration of the yard areas was undertaken, storage and parking areas were consolidated, and traffic flows were streamlined.

The project has been successfully delivered under budget.


ELIA Architecture

Toowoomba | Brisbane | Kuala Lumpur

Elia Architecture Toowoomba
Elia Architecture Toowoomba

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+61 7 3379 7611 

Elia Toowoomba

4/109 Herries Street, PO Box 547, Toowoomba QLD 4350, Australia

+61 7 4632 0200 

Layton Group Malaysia

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+60 3 7955 1678

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Elia Brisbane

9/661 Oxley Road, PO Box 380, Corinda QLD 4075, Australia

+61 7 3379 7611 

Elia Toowoomba

4/109 Herries Street, PO Box 547, Toowoomba QLD 4350, Australia

+61 7 4632 0200 

Layton Group Malaysia

A-1-6 First Floor, Golmac Damansara, 699 Jalan Damansara, 60000 Kuala Lumpur

+60 3 7955 1676

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